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Tag Archives: visualization
TRENDONE is a renowned Hamburg consulting firm for strategic future issues & trends.
In times when disruptive ideas, innovative developments and radical technical progress challenge many industries, enterprises structure themselves increasingly new. Innovation processes are being embedded into organizations and are the foundation for continuous adaptation of future development. TRENDONE provides substantial information about current trends for many different business environments. In addition, the Hamburg-based company has created a platform with the necessary tools for researching, evaluating and recording future developments and provides insights how a company is prepared for relevant trends.
One of these tools is the Trendmanager with the integrated Trendradar. The Trendmanager assists companies to detect relevant developments from all mega, macro and micro trends identified by TRENDONE. It allows them to store all findings in a company-specific trend pool and evaluates their future impact on the company. For these tasks, the Trendradar offers various views that categorize trends and correlates them. The view “Recommendations for Action” is subdivided into the three fields “Act”, “Prepare” and “Watch” and provides an overview of how relevant trends should be taken into account for innovation processes and corporate decisions. “Readiness Gap“ delivers insights into weaknesses and excellences of a company and where the focus should be set to ensure a successful future development.
In close cooperation with TRENDONE Folge 3 developed the views of the Trendradar over a period of several months by subsequently creating the visual concept and finally ensuring the implementation of the dynamic and animated views.
Ranking digital agencies
Das Fachmagazin kress pro befragt jährlich die 150 reichweitenstärksten Online-Sites Deutschlands mit welchen Tech-Dienstleistern sie zusammenarbeiten und erstellt daraus ein Ranking. Wieder einmal zeigt sich, dass selbst große und autarke Publisher auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Spezialisten angewiesen sind um ihre Geschäftsmodelle ausschöpfen zu können. Besonders interessant: Große Agenturen spielen in dem Ranking keine wichtige Rolle. Die Kleinen machen das Rennen und bieten neben schlankem Projektmanagement genau die Expertise, die sich ganz nach den Anforderungen der Kunden ausrichtet.
Folge 3 ist die Nr. 1 der Spezialagenturen im Ranking der wichtigsten Digitalagenturen für Medienunternehmen 2019. kress pro veröffentlicht das gesamte Ranking in seiner Ausgabe 05/2019.
Assistance system
We give a warm welcome to Jungheinrich as our most recent client. Within the next year we will develop two innovative projects in close cooperation.
About Jungheinrich:
Established in Hamburg, Germany, in 1953, Jungheinrich looks back on an extraordinarily successful company history. With over 15,000 employees worldwide and operations in more than 36 countries, Jungheinrich is an internationally leading provider in the field of intralogistics solutions.
As part of a prototype project for Schneider-Neureuthner Partner AG (SNP), we have explored how complex information can be intuitively represented and used.
On behalf of its customers, SNP is carrying out SAP transformations, during which detailed insights into customer systems are required. In large companies, SAP systems create complex, linked structures which vary in different ways depending on the angle and task in hand. These structures cannot be easily illustrated with simple, tabular representations. Therefore, they do not facilitate intuitive access and do not demonstrate their effectiveness in the transformation process adequately.
We have implemented three measures in the prototype that allow structures to be represented more clearly and used more effectively:
- Using a modern, information-centred layout supports detecting relevant information quicker.
- Use-case oriented aggregations reduce the wealth of information and only present the details germane to the current task.
- Interactive tools structure the information separately for the respective context. They offer options for changing perspectives and for focusing on specific aspects of currently relevant structures.
U-Multirank mobile
U-Multirank is a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. The dimensions it includes are teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. Based on empirical data U-Multirank will compare institutions with similar institutional profiles and allow users to develop personalised rankings by selecting indicators in terms of their own preferences.
European Commission is funding the project for the next two years. A first ranking will be published in early 2014 covering at least 500 higher education institutions from Europe and beyond. It will provide an institutional ranking of whole institutions as well as field-based rankings for engineering, business and physics. After 2014 the coverage of institutions and fields will be extended progressively.
Folge 3 is a partner in an international consortium to develop U-Multirank. We were responsible to deliver the brand strategy, the logo and the webtool.
… more about the project: U-Multirank Sunburst
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ZEIT online
The New York Times
ETH Zürich
Süddeutsche Zeitung
U-Multirank Sunburst
U-Multirank is a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions.
As a benefit U-Multirank provides an individualized seal for each institution representing the results of the indicators in each dimension as a downloadable element. All measures are grouped around the central symbol of U-Multirank, the „u“ on a circle-shaped button. All graphic elements refer to the identity of the web-tool and persue the corporate design of U-Multirank.
The seals are positioned on the profile page of each institution and can be downloaded by the universities for multiple use.
Monitor Lehrerbildung
Transparency in diversity in teacher education: The “Monitor Lehrerbildung” (teacher education monitor) platform provides current information and data about the various arrangements for teacher training within the individual German federal states and at the respective national universities for fact-based discussions and decisions.
The aim of the project is to create the comparability needed for a discussion. It focuses on target groups concerned with teacher education, i.e. politicians, journalists and players from teacher training, universities and ministries.
The project duration is set initially for the next five years. In addition to data updates, several extensions of the portal are set to take place during this period. We have already developed the diagram level as a first step. Thus the data can be retrieved in the conventional table view as text or as a graphic representation.
Project partners are the Bertelsmann Foundation, the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development, the Deutsche Telekom Foundation and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Association for the Promotion of German Science and Humanities).
Zip codes in Germany
We visualized the zip code areas in Germany. Here you can download the data:
MLB charts
All data of this project can now be viewed in a chart layer as well as in regular tables.