Tag Archives: brand strategy

Ranking digital agencies

Das Fachmagazin kress pro befragt jährlich die 150 reichweitenstärksten Online-Sites Deutschlands mit welchen Tech-Dienstleistern sie zusammenarbeiten und erstellt daraus ein Ranking. Wieder einmal zeigt sich, dass selbst große und autarke Publisher auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Spezialisten angewiesen sind um ihre Geschäftsmodelle ausschöpfen zu können. Besonders interessant: Große Agenturen spielen in dem Ranking keine wichtige Rolle. Die Kleinen machen das Rennen und bieten neben schlankem Projektmanagement genau die Expertise, die sich ganz nach den Anforderungen der Kunden ausrichtet.

Folge 3 ist die Nr. 1 der Spezialagenturen im Ranking der wichtigsten Digitalagenturen für Medienunternehmen 2019. kress pro veröffentlicht das gesamte Ranking in seiner Ausgabe 05/2019.

U-Multirank mobile

U-Multirank is a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. The dimensions it includes are teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. Based on empirical data U-Multirank will compare institutions with similar institutional profiles and allow users to develop personalised rankings by selecting indicators in terms of their own preferences.

European Commission is funding the project for the next two years. A first ranking will be published in early 2014 covering at least 500 higher education institutions from Europe and beyond. It will provide an institutional ranking of whole institutions as well as field-based rankings for engineering, business and physics. After 2014 the coverage of institutions and fields will be extended progressively.

Folge 3 is a partner in an international consortium to develop U-Multirank. We were responsible to deliver the brand strategy, the logo and the webtool.

… more about the project: U-Multirank Sunburst


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ZEIT online
The New York Times
ETH Zürich
Süddeutsche Zeitung


U-Multirank is a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. The dimensions it includes are teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. Based on empirical data U-Multirank will compare institutions with similar institutional profiles and allow users to develop personalised rankings by selecting indicators in terms of their own preferences.

European Commission is funding the project for the next two years. A first ranking will be published in early 2014 covering at least 500 higher education institutions from Europe and beyond. It will provide an institutional ranking of whole institutions as well as field-based rankings for engineering, business and physics. After 2014 the coverage of institutions and fields will be extended progressively.

Folge 3 is a partner in an international consortium to develop U-Multirank. We were responsible to deliver the brand strategy, the logo and the webtool.

… more about the project: U-Multirank Sunburst


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ZEIT online
The New York Times
ETH Zürich
Süddeutsche Zeitung