Tag Archives: training

PM magazine

We designed and implemented the new website of P.M. magazine for Gruner+Jahr. Since then, we have handled the continuous maintenance and further development of the website.

In addition to content from the current issue, the site offers news and background information in the P.M. subject areas such as “man”, “nature” and “technology”.


We provided the Carlsen Verlag with our services for over ten years. Carlsen is part of the Swedish Bonnier Group and is a leading publisher in the children’s and youth literature sector, including publishers of the “Harry Potter” book series.

The centerpiece was the “Carl” title database that we developed. It served the internal publisher’s administration, but also provided the data for the website.

The special feature of the design of the website was, on the one hand, to address the very different target groups (from children and young adult book readers to manga fans) via sub and micro-sites, and on the other hand, to develop a comprehensive concept with recognition value based on Carlsen’s corporate identity.

Service Center

Hoffmann und Campe Corporate Publishing has been using our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for more than ten years. It assists the company in maintaining its customer relations, especially in the operation of a call center and in the sending of customer magazines.

We handle the continuous support and development. The CRM software was updated in 2010 to integrate modern user-interface concepts and implement new data security standards.

Hoffmann und Campe Corporate Publishing, a company in the Ganske Publishing Group, is a full-service provider of corporate media and a consultant to communication departments.

Escrow Server

The Escrow Server: our secure data exchange platform. Since 2011, Hoffmann und Campe Corporate Publishing has been using the server as a virtual custodian for the secure, traceable and data security-compliant exchange of data.

The company uses the Escrow Server, for example, for the transfer of customer data to Hoffmann und Campe Corporate Publishing and for the transmission of shipping instructions to lettershops.