ZEIT ONLINE and ZEIT CAMPUS developed a calculator which lets students determine what budget they need to persue their education in various German cities.
Different prices for housing, food and beverages but also different life styles determine an individual monthly budget. Depending on the location the calculator shows the average cost for students. Different criterias like rent, food and spare time expanses are being compared.
The data originates from a social survery of the German federation of students from 2012. More than 15.000 students from over 227 universities participated in order to cover a broad range of social and economic backgrounds.
Flexible dashboards for companies – Reshin visualizes your data quickly and individually, and it is accessible wherever you are: in the office or mobile.
Reshin is based on Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana – thoroughly tried-and-tested tools for use with big data – and it also offers user administration and data management. You decide which data to import and who has access to it.
There are many use cases for Reshin:
Log file monitoring
Infrastructure monitoring
Excel dashboard replacement
Data analysis
Web tracking
In Reshin you have a tool that supports all your visualization requirements.
We have developed industry solutions for publishers which cover everyday analysis needs and allow flexible expansion. For example, the IVW dashboard reduces the effort of daily IVW tracking to just a few minutes. [IVW = German Information Association for the Establishment of the Distribution of Advertising]. And click tracking provides live information about the traffic on your website.
Der Lebenshaltungskosten-Rechner von ZEIT ONLINE und ZEIT CAMPUS zeigt, was Studenten in 40 verschiedenen Städten im Vergleich ausgeben. Folge 3 hat die neue Anwendung für ZEIT ONLINE entwickelt und umgesetzt.
Folge 3 hat Gruner + Jahr bei der Aktualisierung der Daten des Immobilien-Kompasses 2014 von Capital unterstützt. Er informiert über Preise und Prognosen für Kauf und Miete von Wohnimmobilien in 180 deutschen Städten sowie Ferienimmobilien in 166 Urlaubsorten in ganz Europa.
Mit dem Folge-3-Result-Manager präsentiert der NDR für die ARD auf sportschau.de alle Ergebnisse, historischen Resultate, Rekorde sowie den Medaillenspiegel der Leichtathletik-Europameisterschaften 2014 in Zürich.